China's Human Capital Investment and Household Savings Behavior: Based on OLG model and empirical analysis.
Sep 2023 - Dec 2023
This is an independent research by me on human capital investment and household savings behavior under China's "only child" policy (OCP), supervised by professor Hong Song at Fudan University.
I conducted a detailed literature review on this topic, combining the latest research and mainstream perspectives. Subsequently, based on the work of Yongping Liu et al. (2008), I revised the conditions for market exit, reconstructed an OLG model, and investigated the impact of declining fertility rates on savings rates and human capital investment rates. I provided a thorough discussion of the influencing pathways of the impact then. Finally, I presented the changes in household savings rates under the backdrop of China's comprehensive three-child policy, drawing insights from a working paper.
I delivered a forty-five-minute presentation.
Click here for the slides (Chinese Version).